Saturday, October 31, 2009

My dad ruined my life?

To make a long story short, my dad took out like 8 credit cards in my name when I turned 18...I am now 23 and have not wanted to get him in trouble, as after all her is my dad and I love him, Not to mention he kept promising he would pay on them.(he hasn%26#039;t) These cards are all maxed out and have hundred and some thousands of dollars in interest piled on top of them. I am now being taken to court for the money owed on most of these. I know I should have done something a while ago but fraud and identity theft is a huge deal these days and wasn%26#039;t sure what would happen to him. My credit is beyond JUNK because of this. I have decided I have to choice but to come clean and try to get my life back in order and tell them he signed my name illegally for these cards. Will this repair my credit and what is going to happen? Is it too late to get something done about this? Please help. Thank You in advance.

My dad ruined my life?

Change your name and apply for another ssan!

My dad ruined my life?


My dad ruined my life?

You have to do, what you have to do...

He knew better. And he knows that he will have to pay the piper.

My dad ruined my life?

Tell the judge the same thing you posted here. He/she may recommend a fair settlement that suits you, your father and the credit card companies.

I say, %26#039;let the chips fall where they may%26#039;.

My dad ruined my life?

Your biggest issue/problem is going to be that you knew of this all along but did nothing about it until now. In essence you condoned this. The credit card companies will most likely hold you liable. Your only hope may be to prosecute your dad, but then you%26#039;ll have a personal dilemma, depending on the punishment the courts levy against your dad. Even, then, it%26#039;s not like the courts can simply erase the debt.

I think you need to seek legal counsel. Your issue is much too serious to rely on Y!A for a solution.

My dad ruined my life?

Basically, there are two options I see here:

1.Get your dad to sign a notorized statement that he made the charges and will accept full responsibility. This will allow you to keep it in the civil court, hopefully repair your credit, and keep him out of jail. Hopefully that works (Obviously if he goes to court with you that will be even better)

2. File the identity theft charges and hope that they pursue the case. If he refuses the above, the only way to prove that it wasnt your debt is for his to go to jail for identity theft.

Hopefully hell take option one, unless you like wrecked credit and paying his debt.

My dad ruined my life?

Sorry he committed fraud, probably because he had already ruined his own credit rating and now your left carrying the can.

As you have prior knowledge of the offense your cant continue to claim to be a victim maybe an unwitting accomplice and could be held partically liable.

You need to get help from an attorney and follow there recommendations if they say report you must as its not going to get better.

My dad ruined my life?

It is never too late to recover your credit. I have had a similar problem like yours. I ended up reporting it and they had to investigated for a while, but at the end they did clean up all my bad credit. Good luck!

My dad ruined my life?

Coming clean about how it happened still may not clear your credit. It would just put the blame on your dad but your name is still trashed, sorry. My mom did the same thing to me but at least she didn%26#039;t use credit cards, it was just utility bills and cell phones. I managed to pay them all off but it is still on my credit report. You%26#039;re in a tough spot, the only thing you can do is come clean and hope it won%26#039;t take too long to clean up your credit.

My dad ruined my life?

Is your dad a liberal by any chance? maybe he was waiting for Barack Obama to solve all his problems before he would help you..

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