Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Have you ever felt spiritually exhausted and drained? How did you remedy it?

I%26#039;ve been in a rough patch for several years. While a lot of good has happened (I completed grad school and started a new career), the bad has been so devestating that it is unbelieveable.

I called off my wedding two weeks before the date (because I found out my ex lied about a relationship), lost friends in 9/11, was downsized from my corporate job; lost my brother, father, a good friend, and two cats; struggle to pay bills and repair my credit since I switched to a lower paying career; and was recently betrayed by someone who I thought was a friend (who I was in a previous romantic relationship with and had known for 12 years)!

This has all happened within the past seven years!

I just started to take some short vacations (I hadn%26#039;t vacationed since 2004) but I just feel so tired. I keep praying yet I feel %26quot;beaten up.%26quot; I know God hears me but sometimes I feel alone and battered.

Any good advice is strongly welcomed. Thanks.

Have you ever felt spiritually exhausted and drained? How did you remedy it?

Stop relying on an invisible crutch (which isn%26#039;t really there) and learn to stand on your own two feet.

Have you ever felt spiritually exhausted and drained? How did you remedy it?

It sounds like you need to take a break. It seems like you have been running and going you really have not rested. Thus, when you go on vacation, all of the tiredness and brokenness comes to the surface. You have had a lot happen to you. Personally, I would recommend seeing a spiritual director or a Christian psychologist. I am not in any way insinuating you are pathological or anything. However, psychologists are trained to help you experience your pain and help you move from it. In this sense they would be very helpful in making sense of what has happened and allowing you to heal from all that has barraged you in the past seven years.

Have you ever felt spiritually exhausted and drained? How did you remedy it?

I have been there too, and it%26#039;s not easy.

Just go with the flow, but You must not give up, continue in prayers, ask God for some help, don%26#039;t be afraid to ask Him questions, and expect answers back, be open, trust him.

Everything happens for a reason, God is teaching you something through some of these experiences to help you transform your outlook on life, and through it all you will see the whole picture.

I will pray for you as well ~!~

Have you ever felt spiritually exhausted and drained? How did you remedy it?

It looks like you%26#039;ve been betrayed by a number of people you%26#039;ve put your trust in -- which makes it more difficult to trust again.

Seven years is a mighty long time -- try to stop looking back to see bad things, and instead look to the future. Yesterday is as dead as Abraham Lincoln, so why do we carry those problems forward with us?

You mentioned vacations, but do you attend church regularly? Are you surrounded by people who support you? Do you have a prayer group, or Bible study group?

Instead of vacations, think about volunteering. Helping others is a great way to help yourself.

Your heath insurance should cover mental health -- perhaps just a few conversations with a councilor will help to change the focus from negative, to positive things.

Church, helping others, and talking with a councilor. Unless you have a chemically-based depression requiring medication, do those three for six months, and your life will be dramatically different.


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