Thursday, June 17, 2010

Any ideas how to cope with family credit fraud..?

I%26#039;ve already confronted this person, they did nothing, I didn%26#039;t handle the situation properly like going to the police, and ended up being sued and filed bankruptcy because I was having a nervous breakdown. I%26#039;m now getting healthier and going to counseling, but I still get really upset about it, especially because it still affects me today - bad loan rates, unable to get approved for things when I really need them (like health stuff or car repairs, etc...). All of a sudden I will just burst in tears...what things can I do to cope with this?

Any ideas how to cope with family credit fraud..?

Put your big girl panties on and DO something, instead of having nervous breakdowns and bemoaning your fate. I%26#039;m glad you%26#039;re in counseling, but really, dear, it%26#039;s time to take control of your life and DO something instead of sitting around and talking about it.

Assuming the statute of limitations hasn%26#039;t run out, you probably can still go to the police, you know, and I recommend strongly that you do so and get this rotten excuse for a family member arrested for fraud. Either that, or sue the family member for the amount of money in small claims court (depending on the amount of money) or get a lawyer to do it on contingency in civil court. Sue for emotional pain and suffering, too. Who cares if it%26#039;s family? They sure didn%26#039;t care when they stole from you!

Any ideas how to cope with family credit fraud..?

Have you tried talking to a credit counselor? They might have some insight on what to do. It%26#039;s good that you are at least talking to someone about this situation. It%26#039;s rough and embarassing, and will be on your record for a long, long time. It takes a while for you to get back on your feet and into the %26quot;good scores%26quot; for credit, but most rates will be higher. Pay everything off without credit, limit your credit spending, requests, loans, etc. Do you have any family who can help out with some things? I assume you are working. Have you thought about a 2nd job? Or even %26quot;cutting back%26quot; on unnecessary items - more than 1 phone, tv, going out, etc. sometimes you just need to tighten the belt.

Any ideas how to cope with family credit fraud..?

Go see a therapist. Also, you need to learn to set limits with people. People will take advantage of you as long as you let them. This was a very tough lesson. Next call the police no matter who in the family did this.

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